White Papers

End of consultation on the abolition of ASTs – response awaited

By David Perry The recent Government consultation on ending no fault terminations of residential tenancies, which will effectively abolish assured shorthold tenancies, came to a close on 12 October. Many people will be looking to see what, if anything, results from that process. As a generational change in residential letting, many stakeholder groups are likely […]

Court finds power of inspection is limited in the event of litigation

By Serge Amar, Nicolas Dubé How does one reconcile the concept of equality of the parties before the court and the guiding principle of fair debate with a party’s statutory advantage of being able to obtain information and evidence from its opponent? Such was the question examined in Ville de Montréal c. Sanimax Lom inc., wherein the Superior Court had to […]

Q&A – Private client law in Portugal: overview

By Tiago Marreiros Moreira (partner), João Riscado Rapoula Tiago Marreiros Moreira (partner) and João Riscado Rapoula (managing associate) write for Practical Law da Thomson Reuters. In a Q&A format the lawyers make na overview of Portuguese Private Client legislation.

Trends in the food and drink sector

By James Webb Despite 2018 being a very tough year for many in the food and drink industry, according to research compiled by Grant Thornton, M&A and private equity deal activity in the sector remained steady with a fall of just 2.8% compared to 2017. This is supported by our experience during the period where […]

Proceeds of sale of school site lost due to operation of reverter

By Alan Corcoran, Charlotte Walker The closure of a school prior to its sale meant the use for which the land had originally been given had ceased and so the proceeds of sale did not belong to the local authority. This was the decision in Rittson-Thomas v Oxfordshire County Council, which concerned the redevelopment of a […]

Leaked nudes and talent morality clauses: A lesson for the digital age

Not every morality clause is created equal and the parties must consider what they hope to achieve when drafting the clause in order to ensure their reputation is protected. In November 2018, the Supreme Court of Canada dismissed a leave to appeal application on the application of a morality clause. Certain lessons can be pulled from […]

Fiduciary management: Improvement through competition?

Have you ever considered using fiduciary management services? Does your scheme have a fiduciary manager? Are you considering appointing or replacing a fiduciary manager? If so, you should already be considering the implications of the Competition and Markets Authority’s final report into the investment consultants market. The new requirements arise from concerns around the operation of the […]

CMA proposes major funeral market probe citing serious market concerns

By Trudy Feaster-Gee, Richard Jaques, Richard Butterworth The Competition and Markets Authority is due to begin an in-depth market investigation into the UK funeral sector in the New Year. This will involve a detailed review and scrutiny of the sector and include many of its key players. On 29 November 2018, the CMA announced in an interim report […]