UK 200 The Independents 2020: Choose your package

The global pandemic has changed the world in 2020 and the legal market has not been immune. This year’s UK 200 reflects that reality. It includes unmatched data and insight on the impact of the crisis on the UK’s leading law firms and the sector as a whole.

Get the tools you need to achieve more in 2021 by utilising the insight from The Lawyer’s UK 200: The Independents report. Kickstart your growth today.

Buy online or speak to one of the team on  or 020 7970 4864.




Keep ahead of market changes with the UK 200 The Independents report, the industry’s most essential and detailed


UK 200 The Independents



Two essential UK 200 reports + 5 years of data to provide deeper insight and trend analysis.


UK 200 Top 100 2020 report

UK 200 The Independents 2020 report

5 years’ of data from UK 200 Top 100 and UK 200 The Independents*



Unparalleled insight and complete market visibility from all three 2020 UK 200 reports + 20 years’ of historical data from the UK 100.


UK 200 Top 100 2020 report

UK 200 The Independents 2020 report

UK 200 Operational Healthcheck 2020 report

5 years’ of data from the UK 200 Top 100, UK 200 The Independents, UK 200 Business Services, UK 200 Workspace Trends and UK 200 Financial Management*

20 years’ of data from the UK 200 Top 100

Publishing dates:

  • UK 200: Top 100 2020 = 30th October 2020
  • UK 200: The Independents 2020= 23rd November 2020
  • UK 200: Operational Health Check 2020 = 20th January 2020
  • 5 year’s of UK200 data = 30th November 2020
  • 20 year’s of UK100 data = 9th November 2020


The insight within:

  • highlights consolidation and growth trends in this fast-moving and nimble market
  • examines the fortunes of firms in the UK regions
  • focuses on the challenges and changes caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and assesses how this will impact the Independents in coming years


Unsure which package to go for?

Speak to one of the team by calling 020 7970 4864 or clicking the button below: