
Focused on the biggest law firms and their strategies in Europe and Asia, including China

Market trends that will define 2023

This report contains:

  • an analysis of five issues that will give the European Legal market pause for thought in 2023.
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alex taylor
by  Alex Taylor
January 2023

Global Top 30 in Asia Pacific 2022

This report contains: 

  • a stratification of the global top 30 firms based on their Asia Pacific partnership size 
  • an overview of headcounts in each key jurisdiction in the region. 
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alex taylor
by  Alex Taylor
July 2022

Iberia: How domestic firms are targeting growth

This report contains:

  • an overview of the Iberian legal market: the top firms by office, partner and lawyer count as well as a separate jurisdictional breakdown for Spain and Portugal
  • an in-depth analysis of the top Spanish firms’ growth strategies both within the Iberian market and internationally
  • an analysis of the Iberian M&A market by deal volume and value in 2021.
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alex taylor
by  Alex Taylor
February 2022

The Luxembourg universe

This report contains partner and practice area analysis for 50 of the largest law firm offices in Luxembourg, and focuses on the international firms’ strategic developments.

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alex taylor
by  Alex Taylor
November 2021

Global Top 30 firms in Asia Pacific

The Lawyer’s latest International Signal ranks 30 of the largest global law firms in Asia Pacific, take an in-depth look at these firms’ regional presence across five key markets – Australia, Greater China, Japan, South East Asia and South Korea.

Discover which regions the top 30 are primarily focusing on and where their main investments lie with five year data on partners, lateral hires and internal promotions.

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by  Jamie Rossouw
September 2021

Global firms in Hong Kong and Singapore

The Lawyer’s latest international Signal analysis delves deep into the Global Top 30 firms’ partner ranks, lateral hires and promotions in the two regional hubs over the past five years, and provides an exclusive close up on their size, growth, practice focus and strategic investments in each city.

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Yun Kriegler
by  Yun Kriegler
July 2021

The European 100 2021

In-depth analysis on the European 100 law firms’ performance in 2020, including:

  • The standout performances over five years
  • How they navigated Covid-19
  • Gender diversity in Europe
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jo harris
by  Joanne Harris
June 2021

China Top 30 2021 – Profiles

Profiles on the top 30 firms in China, detailing three year revenue, partner and RPP trends as well as analysis on each firm and their key clients. Stat boxes and graphs are included in this report.

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Yun Kriegler
by  Yun Kriegler
June 2021

China Top 30 2021

  • In-depth analysis on the Top 30’s performance in 2020
  • Top practice areas for growth
  • Regional expansion, top Chinese cities for investment, challenges in global expansion
  • Leaders in PRC and Hong Kong IPOs
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Yun Kriegler
by  Yun Kriegler
May 2021

International firms in Paris

In-depth analysis on the French market in relation to the UK, examining competition and market share, with insight from managing partners.

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by  Catrin Griffiths
April 2021

Expansion in Europe after Brexit

What is the current competitive landscape in continental Europe? Is Dublin a new hub for EU legal services?

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Yun Kriegler
by  Yun Kriegler
March 2021

The China Top 30 2020

The top 30 firms in China ranked by financial performance, plus which firms are fit to ride out the effects of Covid-19.

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Yun Kriegler
by  Yun Kriegler
September 2020