The European 100 2023

This report contains:

  • analysis of financial performance in 2022
  • five-year trends in revenue and headcount metrics
  • regional analysis
  • gender diversity in the Euro 100 partnerships
Posted November 2023
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The final report on Signal International for 2023 is The Lawyer‘s flagship European 100. We delve into Europe’s largest firms and analyse their 2022 financial performance, five-yearrevenue and headcount trends, the continent’s key regions and gender diversity among Euro 100 partnerships.

Despite a number of factors putting a dampener on 2022, the majority of Europe’s premier law firms still enjoyed robust growth last year. We saw yet another year of growth in the aggregated revenue figure of the European 100 law firms, which increased by 6.4 percent from €12.19bn to €12.97bn.

Not all jurisdictions in the ranking performed alike, however. Spain and Luxembourg were the only countries to record a double-digit increase in combined revenue, while Italy and Sweden suffered a decrease.

To find out how firms in each European region performed last year, and uncover many more insights about Europe’s finest law firms read the report now.



This content is for Signal subscribers only

Posted November 2023
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