State of the market: US firms’ disputes teams in the UK

This report contains:

  • an overview of the disputes practices of US firms in the UK
  • analysis of litigation teams' headcounts and financials at the top 30 US firms by UK revenue
  • opportunities and challenges for US disputes teams in the UK
Posted June 2023
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This month’s Signal Disputes provides a view of the disputes teams of US firms in the UK. Analysing the top 30 firms in this year’s edition on The Lawyers flagship US 50 report (ranking the top 50 US firms based revenue generated in the UK), the report offers insight into the historical roots of US firms disputed teams, the current state of the market and future opportunities and challenges.

Analysing the shape of the market reveals that of the top 30 firms in the US Top 50, all but one have at least one disputes partner in the UK. These firms have a combined total of 387 disputes partners, with an average of 12.9 partners per firm. Seven firms have more than 20 partners and nine have between 10 and 20.

It is notable, however, that nearly half of these firms still have fewer than 10 disputes partners, including nine firms which have five or fewer. The fact that so many of these firms still have very small disputes teams suggests that they remain an afterthought. This view can be tempered, however by the fact that a number of these US firms still have relatively small offices in the UK, meaning that for some a low number of disputes partners does not necessarily reflect a lack of interest in the field.

To find out which US teams have the largest teams, their UK-generated litigation revenue, and number of appearances in some of the key UK courts over the past 5 years, read the report now.


This content is for Signal subscribers only

Posted June 2023
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