Panel Discussion: How are financial institutions managing the risks around AI?


While the use of AI in financial services is not new, the available technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace, developing new capabilities and therefore bringing new, potential risks to the forefront.
This panel session will look at how financial services companies are experimenting with GenAI or large language models, and how their legal teams are managing the emerging risks. What is the right balance of risk appetite, expertise, willingness to experiment and caution? Join us to discuss:

• How can you ensure that the legal team is aware of the full extent of how their company is using AI internally, within your products and services and within your operational system?
• What should you be thinking about any additional legal risks it might create
• How are your suppliers using AI and what assurances might you need from them about their use of AI?
• Using AI to provide financial services: Are there any copyright issues? Are there bias issues? Are there transparency issues? What kind of disclosures do you need?
• What are the data protection implications and what should you include in your commercial contracts going forward to ensure they are future-proof?