Track 1: How do you look after your own career development as an in-house litigator?


In-house litigation roles are like gold dust. Once you’ve made the move in-house, how can you maintain your own career development? This session will consider:

  • How can litigators prepare to make a career move once they are working in-house?
  • What opportunities and skills should in-house litigators develop?
  • How can you build your brand as an in-house litigator?
  • How do you package your skills as a litigator to move into other in-house roles? Litigators have transferrable skills (e.g. risk management), so how should you market them?


Annabel Dumbell, Managing Director, Litigation and Dispute Management EMEA, Accenture

Katie Hill, Head of Competition and Dispute Resolution, Imperial Brands

Negeen Arasteh, Head of Litigation and Debt Sales, Funding Circle

Moderator: Suber Akther, Principal Litigation Counsel, Siemens Energy