Lawyers Against Loneliness

Six days so far: keep your contributions coming in. Details of how to volunteer at the bottom of the page. A reminder that overseas-born lawyers locked down in the UK now have their own LinkedIn group; and that our coronavirus survey is ready and waiting for you to complete it – go on, you know you want to.

World Cup of Law Firms

We have now reached the quarter final stages and one firm has finally stepped up and started to rig the vote in a serious way! An all-firm email has clearly gone round – we’re so proud!

Instagram of the day

“I am facing a minimum of three weeks furlough from my in-house role in Manchester, and I am going to be using this time to help law students get through this period of uncertainty,” says Emma Lilley.

“Alongside the pressures that come with legal academia, many are facing delays to exams, vacation schemes and even training contracts, and I can’t help but feel empathy for them- the legal career path is tough enough without this added anxiety! Through my Instagram page I will be increasing content with the aim of putting law students at ease, and I encourage lawyers finding themselves with spare time on their hands to do the same.”

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Note to self

A post shared by Emma • In-house Potter (@inhousepotter) on

Dog of the Day

“Our 10 month old cockapoo obeying the rules of staying home,” says real estate and environmental law solicitor Linda Fletcher, currently working from her father-in-law’s home – “long story.”

The Lawyer Listens

With the majority of the legal market working from home, The Lawyer is curating a playlist of songs to listen to while working from the living room or kitchen.

Ylang Ylang by FKJ

FKJ is one of the pioneers of “looping” – recording sounds and combining them in repetition to form a melody. The French multi-instrumentalist has captivated a wide audience this way, often accompanied by his piano and saxophone, and has steadily risen to prominence through solos songs and collaborations with other well-known artists in the alternative scene.

His latest Extended Project is a masterful showcase of his skills he is versatile in, exemplified in the song that gives name to the project – Ylang Ylang. Much like the rest of the EP, Ylang Ylang is an ultimately warm and smooth track, perfect to start or end the day on a good note, or to fit your yoga or stretching around. -Ana de Liz

The Lawyer Watches

Inner Temple Library has a list of recommendations on Twitter.

Yesterday’s quiz answers

Theme: tax trivia

Get involved

Anyone in the legal sector is welcome to contribute to any of the sections of Law Against Loneliness.

We want videos, photos, art, quizzes, music, recipes, dogs – and clever ideas for new daily features we haven’t thought of. Creativity is welcome.

Contributions can be law or mental heath/wellbeing-related, but they don’t have to be: the main requirement is they should distract and uplift people as they take five minutes out of their day.

All contributions can be emailed to us here – thank you! (On social media, use the hashtag #lawagainstloneliness and we’ll find it too.)

What we don’t want is lengthy text submissions, as there isn’t space to publish them in this article (although links to interesting articles published elsewhere are welcome). We also don’t want stuff that is too self- or firm-promotional, though we’re not averse to plugging the occasional good cause.