Tulkinghorn’s Little League table of the market’s biggest breeders caused a bit of a stir last week. Not least among those who found the fruits of their loins had been overstated.

“Dear Tulkinghorn,” wrote one. “In your sprogs league table you ‘credit’ me with six. I hadn’t realised this was another area where I had to strive to improve my firm’s league table results and I fear my striving stopped at a mere three. I shall apologise to my colleagues for such an inadequate performance. Kind regards, Jeremy Marriage, Linklaters.” Tulkinghorn apologises and grants a bonus point for having such an appropriate surname.

On the upside, the piece flushed out yet more baby boomers. This from Susan Singleton, principal of Singletons: “I liked the Little League feature. I had 1.5 of my five children at Slaughter and May, although not literally in the building (just). Must be something in the water. If you give me extra credit for being a single mother of five, then Singletons demands its place.”

What is it with lawyers and their appropriate surnames?