If you, like Tulkinghorn, have spent many hours pondering over just what amazing skills trainees must have to command salaries of £30,000 plus, then the experiences of those at Wedlake Bell will help.`The City firm's corporate finance team recently hosted a spring reception for journalists and clients at which Tulkinghorn unearthed the true value of trainees.`On arrival, Tulkinghorn discovered Amy Coleman of the marketing department in the cloakroom, giving the trainees a break from the arduous task of taking coats.`Meanwhile, head of the corporate finance team Andrew Baker was busy delegating the important and intellectually-challenging job of the day to his trainee – fetching him an ashtray. Yes, you too can earn a small fortune for fetching ashtrays and collecting coats, and if you get to walk the senior partner's dog then you are well on your way to a great career.`Tulkinghorn believes that this is called multi-skilling.