David John King, 51, admitted 1972, and Bruce Thacker-Shaw Bebington, 51, admitted 1973, practising at material time in partnership as Kings, Birmingham, struck off and ordered to pay £3,976 costs, and fined £1,500 and ordered to pay £1,325 costs respectively. Allegations substantiated that both failed to keep proper accounts, wrongly drew money from client account, wrongly used client funds for purposes of other clients. Additional allegations substantiated against King that he used client money for his own purposes. Tribunal told King previously before Tribunal on two occasions.

Steven Robert Clark, 40, admitted 1983, practising under own name at Flitwick, Bedfordshire, struck off. Allegations substantiated he failed to keep proper books of accounts, wrongly drew client account money, failed to pay money into client account in accordance with accounting rules, wrongly used client money for his own purposes, effected book transfers in order to conceal client account cash shortages, acted for parties in property transaction contrary to practice rules. Tribunal told there was an "irresistible inference" from Clarke's behaviour that he had been dishonest. Tribunal said he had been involved in "teeming and lading" and it was inconceivable cash transfers were result of errors. It was satisfied Clark had acted dishonestly.

Geoffrey John Playford, 52, admitted 1967, practising at material time as Playford & Pope and also as Playfords, in Faversham, Kent, fined £5,000 and ordered to pay £4,836 costs. Allegations substantiated he failed to keep properly written accounts, wrongly drew client account money and used client money and controlled trust money for his own purposes. Tribunal told Playford had adopted improper course of conduct but that his actions were not regarded as deliberate or dishonest. Tribunal said deficiencies had been rectified and it was satisfied Playford was "an honest and decent man who had made mistakes".