US firms Sidley Austin, O’Melveny & Myers and Howrey have struck a deal with London’s City Law School to offer three-month internships to graduates of the school’s new masters in international law.

The Brussels office of Washington DC-based Howrey and the London office of LA-based O’Melveny will offer a place each for graduates of the anti-trust course. Howrey will also offer a scholarship of EUR7,500 and O’Melveny a scholarship of £2,500.

Sidley Austin is not offering a scholarship, but will offer internships to students of courses in M&A, antitrust and world trade law.

In addition, niche shipping firm Thomas Cooper & Stibbard will offer internships to graduates of the international shipping law course.

Places at all four firms are limited and will be awarded following a competition.

Director of City Law School Peter Kunlitz told The Lawyer: “This is a win-win situation: it incentivises the students and gives the firms the opportunity to get to know some talented students.”

The new masters course began last month (September), and has 55 students. City Law School plans to increase this number to between 80 and 100 next year, Kunlitz said.