A round of applause to Baker & McKenzie for discovering the best bar in London.

The Rum Bar does just what it says on the tin. It serves rum… by the gallon. And it serves every rum known to man. Rums from all around the world. Well, at least from all around the Caribbean. Yum yum.

Tulkinghorn’s scribes seemed to be fonder of the rum than Bakers’ partners. Bakers IT partner Richard Hawtin, proud Northern lad that he is, seemed distraught at the lack of bitter served on the soft, southern premises. The best bar in London didn’t even serve Guinness!

However, an innovative waitress hit upon a nifty solution when she offered Hawtin a Peruvian larger, which seemed to hit the spot. By the end of the evening Hawtin was heard proclaiming the life-giving properties of Cusquena to all who would listen.