Confidentiality Agreement

The credibility of our awards depends greatly on the integrity and objectivity of the process. By agreeing to judge, you are committing to maintaining strict confidentiality about the legal and business information you will see and discussions you will participate in as part of the judging process.

Confidentiality Requirements

“Confidential information” refers to all confidential or proprietary information relating to The Lawyer Awards 2023 that is disclosed or made available whether before or after the date of this document, directly or indirectly, by us to you.

By agreeing to judge you confirm that you will:

  • Keep all confidential information secret and confidential
  • Not use or exploit any confidential information in any way, except for or in connection with The Lawyer Awards 2023
  • Only disclose the confidential information in accordance with our instructions and with our prior consent or when required to do so by law.

In addition, if requested to do so by us, you must return all documents and other records of the confidential information that have been supplied to you and erase all such confidential information from your computer and communications systems.

Please be aware that your obligations in respect of the confidential information set out above shall remain in place after The Lawyer Awards 2023 has ended.