Clyde & Co CEO Peter Hasson talks to The Lawyer about why he avoids grand visions for the firm’s future and how he sees the legal industry transforming in the coming years. Preparing for the future is one of the main strategic topics explored at this year’s Business Leadership Summit in association with Propero.

Peter Hasson

What is the biggest challenge facing law firms today?

The industry is in a state of flux with great change in technology, business development, people strategy and new competitors all, to some extent, requiring new or different approaches. Balancing that need for change with the imperative of running a healthy business day to day is the biggest challenge.

What is your one big prediction for the legal industry?

The legal market has proved itself to be incredibly resilient and adaptable over the years. The same trends that we have seen during that time and which have supported that – consolidation, the running of law firms as businesses, the increasing dialogue and transparency in the buyer/seller relationship, etc – are all likely to continue. New entrants will find it harder than many people predict, but they will be a factor.

What is your “vision for the future” for Clyde & Co?

As a firm we have deliberately eschewed grand visions. One of our strengths though is that we worked out early what we were good at and we have dedicated ourselves to a relentless pursuit of being the best we can be for our clients in those areas. We think that is the best recipe for success in the long term.

The future of the legal industry and how you can future-proof your law firm strategy are topics explored at this year’s Business Leadership Summit in association with Propero. For more information on the conference, a copy of the agenda, or to inquire about attending, please contact Nathan Graham on +44(0) 20 7970 4672.