Stewart Law’s Emma Hatley’s recent Court of Appeal win has featured on

Until recently, there was a lack of clarity in family law about the principles regulating the internal relocation of a child in the UK. Inevitably, a tension always exists between the desire of one parent to relocate with a child to another part of the country, and the effect of such a move on the relationship of the child with the left-behind parent, particularly where the distance involved is considerable.

Identifying the correct approach to this scenario was problematic, as many of the Court of Appeal judgments appeared to conflict with one another; and, in most cases, the courts did not hear a full argument on the law and all the pre-existing authorities.

Read more about the issues that were directly addressed in Re C (A child) (Internal Relocation) [2015] EWCA Civ 1305: In the courts: Court of Appeal rules on child relocation case.