Computer manufacturer Dell is carrying out a root-and-branch review of its ­roster of UK external ­advisers with the aim of ­creating a number of ­individual sub-panels.

Invitations to tender were sent out at the beginning of this month and the company is running the process to a tight ­schedule.

According to a source at one firm that has been asked to tender, the time allowed to turn the pitch around is unusually short, with documents due back with Dell by 22 April.

The aim of the review is to draw up a roster of firms that can advise on 12 ­distinct practice areas. The areas under review are consumer/retail, contract, corporate, data protection, employment, environment, litigation, M&A, public ­procurement, regulatory, tax and finance.

It is understood that one of the main drivers behind the review was that the ­company had inherited numerous external relationships as its in-house legal team changed. Legal diretor Paul Bolger is keen to tidy up the list.

A source close to Dell’s in-house legal team said: “The number of external advisers has really mushroomed as the in-house legal team has expanded and each person has brought on their favourite firms. This is probably a rationalisation.”