By the time you read this, one of Tulkinghorn’s scribes will be safely back at his desk. Hopefully.

Last week the fool graciously accepted Lovells’ kind invitation to jump off its building with 65 (frankly insane) Lovells staff, who were also risking life and limb for charities Fairbridge and Save the Children.

The hack joined Lovells’ senior partner John Young at 10am this morning (Monday 2 October) on top of the firm’s 10-storey building.

So it is equally possible that by the time you read this Tulkinghorn will be writing the obituary of his gallant scribe.

As longstanding readers of this column will know, Lovells is very proud of its building. And it has found yet another way to get it in the press.

So congratulations to everybody that took this particular leap of faith. Tulkinghorn sincerely hopes you enjoyed your celebratory glass of champagne. Personally, he’d need a crate.