Hands up who knows the name of the new Law Society president. Yes, that’s right, there is one. And he does have a name. He doesn’t come from a legal background, but he does have years of experience quivering in the shadow of a powerful and strident friend, which should be good practice for when he has to stand behind the society’s chief executive Janet Paraskeva. Ta daa. From a red postbox just off of Baker Street we bring you Penfold, the titchy brown hamster who was once the timid, bumbling sidekick of DangerMouse himself. His CV (which also bears his nom de plume, or should that be Penfold name, Peter Williamson, and which shows that he was once awarded the order of Cowardy Cowardy Custard) makes him perfect for the job. As is his catchphrase of “crumbs chief, what do we do now?”. Need we say any more?